quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2010

Homesick (vi no jornal)

Vi um artigo no jornal falando do sentimento "Homesick" que estudantes sentem quando vêm ao Canadá e dá 10 dicas de como lidar com isso. Apenas para constar, o Canadá recebe estudantes de mais de 130 países e contribui com mais de $6.5 bi para a economia.

1) Keep in regular contact with family and friends.
2) Get involved! Attend campus activities and events to meet new friends and enjoy new experiences.
3) Exercise is a stress-buster. Participate in sports or other activities that interest you.
4) Learn about healthy Canadian foods and share meals with a buddy who can explain dishes you're not familiar with.
5) Get to know Canadians and try to understand and appreciate their culture while sharing your own.
6) Don't be too discouraged if your early marks are not as high as they were at home.
7) If you're not sure that you like your new surroundings, try to think of one thing each day that you do enjoy about your home away from home.
8) Take time to be alone and read or relax.
9) Learn from others, such as friends who have already experienced cultural adjustment. A heart-to-heart discussion can really help when you're feeling down.
10) Concentrate on the long-term advantages of studying in Canada. Keep your sense of humour and remember that things will definitely get better.

*levante a mão se precisa de alguma ajuda para entender o que está escrito acima!

Um comentário:

Bia disse...

Vc viu isso num jornal canadense? Legal, pelo visto eles procuram tornar mesmo o estudante parte da comunidade. :)
